Monday, September 8, 2008

High Quality Streams

Michael Graf of Water Pollution Control has created a new High Quality Streams shapefile for TDEC use. There are two shapefiles one for linear streams and one for polygon waterbodies. These data were created using 1:24,000 NHD has the source.

Taken from the Metadata:

Tennessee’s water quality standards require the incorporation of the antidegradation policy into regulatory decisions (Chapter 1200-4-3-.06). Part of the responsibility the policy places on the Division of Water Pollution Control is identification of exceptional Tennessee Waters (previously know as Tier 2) and Outstanding National Resource Waters (Tier 3). In exceptional waters, degradation cannot be authorized unless (1) there is no reasonable alternative to the proposed activity that would render it non-degrading and (2) the activity is in the economic or social interest of the public. In Outstanding National Resource Waters, no new discharges, expansions of existing discharges, or mixing zones will be permitted unless such activity will not result in measurable degradation of the water quality.
The Division of Water Pollution Control has compiled the list of waters based on the characteristics of Exceptional Tennessee Waters and Outstanding National Resource Waters set forth in the regulation by the Tennessee Water Quality Control Board. In general, these are waterbodies with good water quality, important ecological values, valuable recreational uses, and outstanding scenery. Wherever possible, the Division has utilized objective measures to apply these characteristics and the basis for each listing is provided.

This is a draft version of the High Quality Streams Map for Tennessee. The data set is currently being developed and reviewed by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation - Division of Water Pollution Control. The draft map is incomplete at this time and is only intended to be used as a mapping tool to help locate these high quality waters. Original data was taken from the WaterLog, which is maitained by the Division of Water Pollution Control. The WaterLog is the most autoritative and current place to view a listing of the High Quality Streams (a.k.a. Exceptional Tennessee Waters). The most recently published list of these waters available to the public can be found at

If there are any questions, feel free to contact me (Rich Cochran) or Michael Graf.

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